Horvat Midras Excavation is the focal point of a large research project on continuity and change in Roman rural Judaea. The project is funded by a research grant from the Israel Science Foundation. The logistical complexity of field activity, the post-processing of finds, laboratory's analysis and publications are financially demanding. Your contribution would be greatly appreciated. Individuals or an organization may contribute to any of the following:
- Naming opportunities
- Scholarships for students
- Excavation and conservation of the large ashlar building
- Publication of the excavation report
The contributions are administrated either through the Hebrew University or through the Israel Exploration Society. For futher details please contact Dr. Orit Peleg-Barkat via email: orit.peleg@mail.huji.ac.il.
Dr. Orit Peleg-Barkat
Director, Horvat Midras Excavation Project
The Institute of Archaeology and the Ancient Near East
Hebrew University
Mount Scopus, Jerusalem 91905
We would like to thank the following individuals and organizations, without whom our project would not have been possible:
- The Hebrew University
- Israel Nature Reserve and Parks Authority
- The Israel Antiquities Authority
- Robert and Maxine Silverman, USA